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Helen Barnes

Helen Barnes

Helen is a skilled and compassionate coach, psychotherapeutic counsellor, supervisor and occupational therapist with rich experience drawn from many years of working with a diverse range of clients in a variety of settings. She has a deep curiosity and intuition about people, and for her, both coaching and therapy are powerful means of understanding an individual’s perspective, raising awareness, and supporting a person to explore alternative ways of being.

She welcomes coaching and counselling clients online or in person at missing elephant’s consulting rooms in the City of London.

Brendan Barnes

Brendan Barnes

Brendan is a psychotherapeutic counsellor committed to working with clients to help them address difficulties in their lives.Staying close to the individual’s lived experience and the meaning they take from that experience, Brendan aims, through enquiry and dialogue, to invite clients to reflect more deeply on and better understand their ways of being in the world. Brendan provides a supportive, safe space for clients to explore change. Sessions are held on-line and face-to-face.


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